Sunday, January 9, 2011

The day of my first surgery in my life

Before the surgery....

Got awaken by a nurse at 5.30am today.

Brushed my teeth and took a shower.

Put on the patients gown which took me ages to figure out. Whoever designed it must be an idiot who likes to see bare asses.

Got prepped for surgery on my tooth abscess which has caused a major infection that requires surgery. Got my blood pressure recorded, temperature checked and face sterylized. Now I really look like an idiot with my face wrapped like a wonton.

Said a little prayer but felt a little guilty and speechless coz it's been a while since i last spoke to Him.

Played a little Tommy Emmanuel on my ipod touch and started typing on the notepad.

As much as I'd love to post what I wrote on the notepad, I think I might just keep it between me and my dead body. Those things are way too personal and I'll probably take it to my grave.

During the surgery....

Was knocked out before I even saw the surgeon. But the feeling of getting drowsy before I went totally out was amazing. It's like everything was so beautiful and I was so damn highh.

The doctor performed what he called an abscess drainage as well as the extraction of the tooth. Also, he mentioned to me before that he is going to remove some cysts that he saw from the xray. Apparently it was just a half an hour procedure...sure felt like forever.

Post surgery....

Was out for about an hour in the recovery room and when I woke up, I felt groggy, drowsy, numb, weak, clueless and most of all, super uncomfortable. It's like getting up from a rough night of drinking and partying, except that I didn't get a hangover and an ugly naked guy/girl next to me. ;P

Got pushed back into my room as soon as they cleared everything and from then on, it was just snoozeville for me. Kept falling asleep and getting awaken by the constant blood pressure and temperature checks conducted by the nurse.

The numbness on my left cheek and tongue was absolutely uncomfortable and I kept trying to sleep it off to make it go away. But in the end, it took about 14 hours to go away completely.

There was no pain whatsoever after the numbness wore off, however as a precaution, the nurse just gave me some panadol.

Got hooked up to a couple of anti biotics thru my IV line every 6 hours...and was sooo uncomfortable. A little painful at first but it was more of the discomfort that bothers me. The feeling of fluids going thru your veins. Hate it.

I'm gonna be discharged some time today and I can't let you know how relieved I am. The doctor kinda called me a badass coz I actually drove myself to the hospital for admission and I'm gonna drive back home myself after I get discharged. Yeah...I agree that it's kinda badass too! LOL. Well what can I do right? My friends either don't drive or they're working on weekends.

Anyway,I'm super hungry now...when's my breakfast gonna be sent to me? having cheese omelette, baked beans, toast and juice today...can't wait after 2 days of not being able to eat properly.

Thanks for tuning in guys..I'll catch up with you guys later! If anyone is even reading I know I haven't blogged in about 2